Thursday, May 27, 2010


Ok, it's been forever again since I've posted anything. This "getting my act together" thing is not working out so well. But, I'll keep dreaming...
Anyway, we had the best vacation a couple of weeks ago. I didn't take as many pictures of events as I wish I had, but it was a beautiful trip. I got to spend some real quality time with all the people I adore and the kids were in heaven.
We took a trip to Moody Gardens in Galveston. They still need some time to fix the place up from the hurricane, but they did have a pretty awesome bug exhibit that we all really liked. Then we headed into the rainforest which was actually hotter and more humid than Galveston itself. I wonder how often that happens....

Yes, early May is a perfect time to visit Houston. As much as the summer heat sucks, it's pretty awesome to be able to go swimming outside in a real pool at this time of the year. Luckily, my friend Stephanie has one in her backyard!
This is Stephanie's son Riley. I love Riley, he's crazy! And ridiculously cute. As you can see, Isabella came over without a bathing suit, but that didn't stop her.
We spent the next day with our friends from Dallas, who did the unthinkable and drove to Houston for the day!! I didn't have my camera but you can read about it and see pictures here.

The next day was my 40th birthday. I don't have too much to say about that, except how did that happen? Anyway, the kids helped Grand Ma Ma make me a cake (lemon curd and coconut - incredibly delicious)....

Again, Houston at this time of the year is pretty awesome. Especially when your little brother has the coolest boat ever. And he's willing to take you and your kids out for a joyride. (And he even finds little life jackets to fit them!)

This tube/boat/float thing was a total blast. I took Bastien first, then Isabella, then all three of us went. Wow, it was so much fun!
And my brother isn't too far removed from childhood to remember how cool it is to steer the boat by yourself.

The rest of the week was full of wedding activities for our friend Geoff Bay. I think I'll have to do another little post for that one...It was really, really lovely.

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