Monday, June 15, 2009

Mini Farm, Rockclimbing, and 3D Movie

So two weekends ago, I decided to take the chillen to see Under The Sea at the California Science Center IMAX. This was hands down the best 3D effects in a movie I've seen at the theater and the screen is 7 stories high. It's really neat. And the show is only an hour, so okay for little ones.
Of course, we had to sit at the very top. And then of course, Bastien had to go to the bathroom halfway. So I got to lug what I now will refer to as the "cute bag of cement" up and down these stairs twice. Yeah, I mean Isabella. I think all that sand she eats at the beach must just stay inside her. That's what it feels like anyway.
I had planned on exploring some of the Science Center before we went to the movie but we got distracted by many things on the way.
First, we had to see what the playground by the parking lot was all about.

Bastien's verdict:"boring". Isabella must have agreed...

Exposition Park has a little farmer's market every Saturday (11am-4pm) and they had the most perfect little petting zoo. Little lambs (they were so cute-I wish I had better pictures), rabbits, chickens, ducks, a pig and a cute little donkey.

I love these guys especially...they have cool 'dos.
They also had pony rides but I was trying to get to the Science Center before the movie. The animals were all little sweeties and the people running it were very nice. If you plan to go, I think they only come to the farmers market every other weekend. And they do birthday parties and what not. So check them out....Giddy Up Ranch.

The next distraction was this rockclimbing wall in the lobby of the Science Center...

Bastien was chomping at the bit (a little pony humor) to give this a go. However, the requirements were 38" (ok) and 5 years old (not ok). So yes, I told my child to lie. Nice parenting, huh? But when it was his turn, the guy running the show said he was too small. I said he's taller than 38". "We need to change that. They're too small to really be able to climb." I mouthed silently to him "Yeah, but he doesn't care. Let him try." The guy reluctantly agreed.
And here is the result...

Not too bad, right? I think he would have made his daddy proud.
It had a self-retracting rope and I think jumping off and swinging down was just as much fun for him.

So, we never made it into the California Science Center. I can't even figure out if there's an admission charge. I guess I could check the website.

1 comment:

  1. I loved seeing that little rock climber .
    He looks like he did just fine and is having a great time.
